Required trainings for new students
As part of your transition to VCU, you are required to complete several training modules related to your safety and well-being. These modules will help you to become informed about important VCU policies and to learn about resources available to you both at VCU and in the Richmond community. Each training is tailored to the experiences of college students and is designed by stakeholders who are experts on these topics. Please review the information below to learn more about each training and which trainings are required for you, based on your student status.
Please note that many of these trainings are required by law in the Commonwealth of Virginia or by a VCU policy.
Required for: All VCU students (including undergraduate, graduate, and professional).
To be completed: Annually
Required for: All new undergraduates students (including first-year, transfer, adult and non-traditional and international students)
Due by: Two weeks after the Add/Drop deadline in your first semester.
Required for: All new first-year undergraduate students
Due by: Two weeks after the Add/Drop deadline in your first semester.
As per Code of Virginia § 23.1-808.1, all first-year students must be provided and complete a human trafficking awareness and prevention training. VCU has partnered with the Department of Criminal Justice of Virginia to create a trauma-informed training module for all new students to complete as part of their Orientation.
Required for: All new VCU students (including undergraduate, graduate, and professional).
Due by: Two weeks after the Add/Drop deadline in your first semester.
All of these trainings are migrating to a new platform and will be available at by late Summer 2025. You will be able to login with your VCU eID and password and you will see the training modules that are required for you based on your student status.