Family Orientation
At VCU, we recognize families as important partners in student success! We also know that students have many support systems. We invite families and supporters to join their students for their Orientation sessions.
We know that by equipping you with knowledge about VCU resources, you will be well-positioned to support your student’s academic journey and ultimate success. We are thrilled to welcome you to the VCU Ramily!
Learn more about:
First-Year Family Orientation
We encourage families of first-year students to attend this experience on campus with your student. Your student can add you to their reservation when they register for Orientation.
The Family Orientation program will happen concurrently with your student’s Orientation and will offer sessions curated for you to learn all about VCU and how to best support and advocate for your student. We'll also connect you with VCU staff who can answer all of your questions. The program will feature time for you and your student to visit campus offices and take care of any important business while you are here such as the Student Financial Management Center, Residential Life and Housing, Military Student Services and more.
If you plan to bring a minor (age 17 or younger) as a guest, you must register at least one additional family member or supporter who is 18 years of age or older and will be responsible for the minor(s). All family members and supporters, regardless of age, are expected to attend the Family Orientation program.
Two-Day Family Orientation
Please note that the two-day Orientation program includes an overnight stay on-campus for your student and, if you are planning to stay for both days, you will need to ensure you have secured overnight accommodations at a local downtown area hotel, if needed. On-campus overnight accommodations are not included for family members.
Day 1:
- 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.: Check-in at Gladding Residence Center.
- 11 a.m. - 12: 45 p.m.: Lunch at Market810, optional financial session, visit campus offices.
- 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.: Family sessions including housing on and off-campus, your student’s safety, your student’s transition to college and more.
- 2:30 - 4:00 p.m.: Academic sessions with your student to learn about academic success resources (tutoring, writing support, and VCU Libraries) and meet with your student’s academic college or school in small groups.
- 4:00- 5:00 p.m.: Family reception with faculty and staff from academic support units and your student’s college/school.
- 5:30 p.m.: Ram Horn Tradition - watch your student process across the Commons Plaza to the famous VCU Ram Horns to complete their first VCU tradition!
Day 2:
- 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.: Breakfast with campus partners. Mix and mingle with staff from VCU Police, Residential Life and Housing, Student Involvement, and other student well-being and support staff from the Division of Student Affairs.
- 10:00 a.m - 12:30 p.m.: Family sessions including VCU Dine, Barnes & Noble @ VCU, and Ram Tech, student well-being, involvement and resources, VCU Family Programs, the Student Financial Management Center and more. Then, join back with your student to attend a selection of information sessions to learn about various VCU offices and programs that interest you.
- 12:30- 2:00 p.m.: VCU Resource Fair and VCUCard pick-up.
Session topics and times may vary. A final schedule will be available closer to your scheduled Orientation.
First-year students may add up to three family members or supporters to their Orientation reservation for an additional fee. This non-refundable, one-time fee covers the cost to attend the in-person program and includes materials, parking, meals and refreshments during Orientation, access to Ram Ready Orientation Modules for families, staffing, and facilities rental fees.
Summer 2025 First-Year Family Orientation rates (in-person only)
Two-day Family Orientation:
- Family member adult (age 18+): $70
- Family member minor (age 4-17): $35
- Small child age 3 and under: No cost
This fee is collected at the time of registration via a secure online payment system. All major credit and debit cards are accepted. We cannot accept cash or checks. Note: Fees are evaluated annually and are subject to change from year-to-year.
One-Day Family Orientation
The one-day program is a fully-packed day that will begin around 9 a.m. and end around dinner time. For families travelling from further away, you may want to consider staying overnight in Richmond before your Orientation.
- 9-10 a.m.: Check-in.
- 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.: Family sessions covering topics such as on and off-campus housing, your student’s safety, student well-being, resources and involvement.
- 12 - 2 p.m.: Lunch at Market810.
- 2- 4:30 p.m.: Sessions with your student including academic support, college/school sessions, and information sessions to learn about various VCU offices and programs that interest you.
- 4:30- 6:30 p.m. Resource Fair, VCUCard pick-up, and dinner at Market810.
Session topics and times may vary. A final schedule will be available closer to your scheduled Orientation.
Below are some overnight options for those traveling from further away:
- Find a nearby hotel and utilize special discounts and rates for families attending Orientation. More details will be available soon!
First-year students may add up to three family members or supporters to their Orientation reservation for an additional fee. This non-refundable, one-time fee covers the cost to attend the in-person program and includes materials, parking, meals and refreshments during Orientation, access to Ram Ready Orientation Modules for families, staffing, and facilities rental fees.
Summer 2025 First-Year Family Orientation rates (in-person only)
One-day Orientation:
- Family member adult (age 18+): $50
- Family member minor (age 4-17): $25
- Small child age 3 and under: No cost
This fee is collected at the time of registration via a secure online payment system. All major credit and debit cards are accepted. We cannot accept cash or checks. Note: Fees are evaluated annually and are subject to change from year-to-year.
Transfer Family Orientation
We invite families and supporters of transfer students to join us for your student’s in-person or virtual Orientation. Your student can add you to their reservation when they register for Orientation.
You will attend the majority of the Orientation program with your student, and there will be some sessions of the program dedicated just for families and supporters. There will be a limited amount of time to visit campus offices during the session, so we encourage you to arrive early if you have specific offices you are hoping to meet with while you are on campus.
Transfer students can select either an in-person or virtual Orientation program. The in-person option will take place on campus and is typically a half-day program that will run for around 5 hours. The virtual option will take place over Zoom and typically runs for around 3.5 hours.
Both programs offer the opportunity to hear from campus partners, connect with representatives from your academic college/school, meet in small groups with other new students and ask any questions you have.
Transfer students can add a family member or supporter to their Orientation registration. For the in-person program, there is an additional fee. This non-refundable, one-time fee covers the cost to attend the in-person program and includes materials, parking, staffing, rental/facilities costs, refreshments and a meal during Orientation, as well as access to Ram Ready Orientation Modules.
- Family member adult (age 18+): $40
- Family member minor (age 4-17): $20
- Small child age 3 and under: No cost.
This fee is collected at the time of registration via a secure online payment system. All major credit and debit cards are accepted. We cannot accept cash or checks. Note: Fees are evaluated annually and are subject to change from year-to-year.