Group of adult students walking next to the library.

Transfer Orientation

Orientation for transfer students offers a streamlined program tailored to the needs of transfer students and adult learners. This program will help you make a successful transition to VCU and navigate specific VCU offices and resources. 

Orientations sessions are available based on the VCU college or school that your major falls within. At Orientation, you will have the opportunity to meet with staff and faculty from your college or school and will be grouped with other students by your college/school. Transfer Orientations are available as in-person or virtual sessions at varying times to best meet your needs.

Readmitted Students

Readmitted students are those who have reapplied for admission after at least three consecutive semesters away from VCU. For students who have been readmitted to VCU after at least two years away, we recommend that you attend a transfer Orientation session. There may be a fee associated with attending an in-person session since readmitted students are not billed the new student transition fee at the time of readmittance. Be sure to follow the readmitted Accepted Student Checklist for important steps to return to VCU.

Adult and non-traditional students

Many of VCU’s transfer students are also adult learners or non-traditional students. At VCU, adult learners are undergraduate students who are 25 years old or older when they start their education at VCU. Non-traditional students are those who are married/widowed/divorced, have children/dependents or who are military-affiliated (veteran/active duty/reservists). We know that undergraduate students who fit in either of these groups may have some unique needs and concerns as a student. The Office of Adult and Non-Traditional Student Services serves as a great resource for you. Look out for breakout sessions for this group at your Orientation.


Prepare for Transfer Orientation

For students attending an in-person program

This is typically a half-day program that will run for around five hours. Students should plan to attend the entire program. Sessions take place at various times, so be sure to check your email to confirm your exact time. Check-in typically begins up to one hour before your session start time. Check-in will take place in the University Student Commons (907 Floyd Ave.). Parking is typically provided in the W. Main Street Parking Deck (located at 801 W. Main St.).

For students attending a virtual program

This is typically an abbreviated version of Orientation that covers the main highlights and gives you an opportunity to meet with staff and faculty and get any final questions answered. The program runs for around 3.5 hours total. Students should plan to attend the entire program.